Top 10 Worst Call Of Duty Maps


There are so many maps in Call of Duty. There are many great ones, and there are many awful ones. I originally was going to make a list of my top ten favorite maps, but one day I tried to find a definitive terrible map list, but I couldn’t find anything but forum posts, so today I present you with The Top Ten Worst Call of Duty Maps.
Dishonorable Mention: Stonehaven

While this is not number 11 on my list this is a rather notable map. Many people like this map and I know that it is for one reason: It has a castle. A fairly large amount of fans of Stonehaven would say no to that but if you really think about it, if this wasn’t a map with a castle, it would just be another annoying huge snipe-fest maps.

10. Array (Black Ops)



My main problem of Array is that it took so long to get to the action. There were so many maps in Black Ops that were small and great, but in Array, if you wanted to do anything other than snipe with an AR or an actual sniper, you were pretty much boned, and as the aggresive, rushing, smg lover that I am, I rather disliked this map. A lot.

9. Karachi (Modern Warfare 2)



Literally, this entire map is a shade of reddish-pink, which is a shade that doesn’t really go with war, and the map itself wasn’t even good, with a relatively large amount of verticality at that point in CoD, which by the general public’s reaction to Ghosts’s maps, is not a good idea for an already large map.

8. Mission (Modern Warfare 3)



Mission was a very strange map. Whenever I played it, I was felt somewhat off. It felt very large at times, and very small at times. It also was almost entirely the same color, with close to everything being a dull green. It also did not help that the game itself was bad and this came up in Kill Confirmed (One of my favorite game modes) so often.

7. Overflow (Black Ops 2)



Overflow just felt old. In a game with a large variety of new-looking maps, this one just felt out of place, and like it could be in any of the Modern Warfare games. It almost seems as if Treyarch let Infinity Ward try their hand at making a map in this game. There also wasn’t really anything special about this map as it was about as basic as 3-lane maps get.

6. Prison Break (Ghosts)



Before I begin let me just say that 4 of the next 5 maps are all from Ghosts. It’s pretty clear now why that this game was hated on so much. Anyways, I will say that there were two good things about this map. The colors were nice and varied, and that one tree that you could shoot to make a bridge was pretty dang cool. Besides that, this map is pretty awful. It’s so cluttered, and wherever I go, I always feel unsafe and that someone could shoot me from any direction. I cannot tell you how many times I have been shot in the back or sniped via a thermal scope in this map. It truly is ridiculous.

5. Siege (Ghosts)



If you’re an aggressive player like me, this map is incredibly frustrating to play. First of all this map is humongous! If it wasn’t for the fact that it is so narrow, this would definitely be the biggest map ever in a Call of Duty game. Second, for a map this large, there is way too much verticality. If you’re trying to flank or play objective, it’s almost impossible to make it to your goal, because you are going to get sniped and shot at from overused long-ranged assault rifles like the Remington or the AK-12. Third, there are so many camping spots where even if you know that the guy is in a certain spot, you still might not be able to get him. If I could say one good thing about this map, it would be that the look of it reminds me a lot of Uncharted.

4. Bakaara (Modern Warfare 3)



I have to say, this is undoubtedly my least favorite map in any Call of Duty that isn’t Ghosts. It feels like someone took Village, Hardhat, Lockdown, and whole lot of dull green coloring, and put it in a blender, and let me say, this smoothie does not taste good. Everything in this map feels so awkward, especially the main building, which, by my memory, was full of campers, and I thank my lucky stars that I didn’t see this map very often when I played, otherwise I think I would’ve gone crazy.

3. Whiteout (Ghosts)



Whiteout, which shares the same name of the equally mediocre Mountain Dew flavor, is just a huge mess. This map truly feels like 2 maps that were combined to make one.The small abandoned town part is kind of small and actually relatively well-made, while the huge snow-desert part is just so unpopulated in games that it forces you to run for a good minute or two to finally get to the action. The plain and simple issue I have with this map, is that it is just too big, and if they really wanted to fix it, I would say to just cut out that whole snow-desert part.

2. Stormfront (Ghosts)



This map shares an almost identical issue with Whiteout. It’s way too big and feels like two different maps put together. But the reason why I put it ahead of Whiteout is because of how unbalanced it is. If you spawn on the side of the map that has the huge building an the bridge, you’re pretty much set, and if you spawn on the other side, you might as well quit now, because all that will happen is that you constantly get sniped by M27-IARs and thermal-scoped sniper rifles. There is already enough hate on this map all over the internet, so if you really want to hear more about how bad this map is just look up “worst map in cod”.

1. Warhawk (Ghosts)



I know that a lot of fans of Ghosts will be surprised by this, as it is generally regarded as one of the few good maps in that game, but let me tell you, this map is the bane of my existence. I literally have never had a good game on this map. I have had at least one good game on every other map in Call of Duty, except this one. There are so many spots where there is a clear advantage to one person in a gunfight, it’s ridiculous. There are a couple of spots that are perfect for campers and there is only one entrance that is so easy to guard. I now refuse to play this map, because you cannot play this map aggressively. It simply isn’t possible. There are way too many perfect sniping spots, little nooks and crannies where it is near impossible to see the enemy, and most of all, there is way too many IEDs. I see more IEDs on this map than any other map in the game, and anyone who has played Ghosts know how annoying IEDs are. It is a little bit colorful, but everything has that annoying reddish-pink feel to it. It’s not as bad as, say, Karachi, but I still really don’t like it. And the very worst part about it is the fact that everyone always votes for this map!

Well, those were my least favorite Call of Duty maps, but which one are yours?